blogshop: a recap

I’m just going to start this recap by saying one word, wow. Seriously, wow. I knew there was a lot to learn but I never thought I could learn it so quickly. I mean, I did learn a lot of this in college but lacked that “practical application” part of the whole learning process that is necessary to retain the information. I’d like to give the Missouri School of Journalism a shout on that one.

On to the fun! 
We learned all the tricks that create pretty layouts, retouch photos, all sorts of amazing art director keyboard shortcuts, me and my wacom have become BFF (I call it wakey) and I’m really fast at doing things. Ah-mazing. In my mind, this class is totally worth it if you have a basic understanding of how things work. If you’re a newbie, I can see how a lot of this would go over your head. 
i’m really excited i won this phone…for reals.
And for the big finale, we also made animated gif’s! My fave…
top  / necklace / watch 
Hope you all had a fun weekend too!